Category Archives: Video Marketing

Why Extra Manufacturers Are Going Live With Their Videos (and Why You Ought to, Too)

The opinions of entrepreneurs’ contributors are their own. The fact that video is a great way for brands to connect with their target audience is no secret. In fact, research by HubSpot shows that 85 percent of companies use video marketing, while 88 percent of marketers say this tactic generates a positive return on investment […]

How Entrepreneurs Can Maximize Their Model Voice Via Video Advertising and marketing

The opinions of entrepreneurs’ contributors are their own. Consumers and marketers have seen a significant upward trend in video content over the past few years, but what does that trend look like in practice? A current report by Hubspot highlights some key figures: 85% of business people use video as a marketing tool, compared to […]

How to Make Low-Value Video Content That Converts

The opinions of entrepreneurs’ contributors are their own. In 2021, all marketers will be talking about video content, and rightly so. The statistics from the past few years have been overwhelming, and 2020 has surpassed anything we’ve ever seen in terms of video content consumption rates. vichie81 | Getty Images As small business owners, we […]

5 Most Successful Video Marketing Techniques Brands Are Utilizing to Seize Eyeballs and Convert Clients

The opinions of entrepreneurs’ contributors are their own. The world is still staggering over the effects of Covid-19 as many companies count their losses. Corporate brands are badly affected as most of them have a stationary structure. The start of the Covid-19 vaccinations is the long-awaited light at the end of the tunnel and companies […]

What Will Digital-Video Advertising Look Like in 5 Years?

The opinions of entrepreneurs’ contributors are their own. In the past few years, video has been perhaps the most powerful driving force behind the global digital advertising industry. And while the niche future undoubtedly remains optimistic, five years from now online video advertising trends will definitely be at least somewhat different from what we are […]

Snapchat Statistics Marketers Ought to Know: Alternatives For Manufacturers in 2021

Egal wie man es betrachtet, 2020 war ein hartes Jahr. Nach den globalen Turbulenzen des vergangenen Jahres drehen sich die Marken um, um ihre Dynamik in Richtung Erholung beizubehalten. Als sich Marken an das neue Verhalten der meisten Heimkonsumenten anpassen, sind neue Unterhaltungsformen entstanden, um diese Verbraucher zu beschäftigen. Inmitten all dessen haben sich auch […]

Make an Affect With Video Advertising and Edit Like a Professional with This Easy Software

The opinions of entrepreneurs’ contributors are their own. Video marketing is changing the way Companies Reach and interact with customers. And it’s here to stay Not just 68 percent of marketers say videos are one better return on investments than Google Ads, but 54% of consumers want to see it More videos from their favorite […]

The Rise of TikTook Influencers: How Gen Z is reinventing influencer advertising and marketing

During the height of the pandemic, people have been confined in their homes. Between bingeing TV series and adapting to the disruption of the lockdown to our everyday lives, at-home consumers have been consuming more content than ever. Mikkel Høimyr, Head of Marketing at Shakr, noted that some of the most successful brands during COVID-19 […]

Get Snug Going Live to Market Your Business

The opinions of entrepreneurs’ contributors are their own. Have you confidently seen these successful entrepreneurs live and thought, “I wish I could have the courage to do it too?” Personal connection with your audience works for most entrepreneurs, but it’s a must if you’re a coach, consultant, or professional looking to monetize your expertise. Why […]

Traits & Tips to Get Began on TikTook Movies for Brands

Over the past year we’ve seen TikTok really become a formidable fixture in social media. Therefore, companies from SMEs to MNCs make their presence known on TikTok in order to strengthen their digital presence. After the year of global lockdown with consumers vying for online entertainment at home, 2021 looks like a year of growth […]