AI Author: Is It the Answer to Content Creation?

Computers have grown to be more versatile and robust tools, capable of solving a myriad of complex problems.

From the introduction of the first electronic digital computers in the 1940s, the development of personal computing in the 1970s, networking in the 1980s, and artificial intelligence (AI) in more recent times.

Artificial intelligence is the ability of a digital computer or machine to perform tasks commonly associated with normal human behavior, such as learning, reasoning, perception, problem-solving, and language understanding.

According to PwC, the vast applications of these intelligent machines are projected to contribute $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030.

Whether you’re already utilizing AI or you’re still looking to discover what it means for your brand, one thing is sure: AI is here to stay.

In this blog post, we will discuss the implications of AI writers for content marketing, their benefits, limitations, and the strategy for embracing an AI-influenced future.

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AI Writers: Where AI Meets Content Marketing

In content marketing or content creation, brands use relevant digital content such as blog posts, newsletters, podcasts, videos, and posters to attract and sustain a desired audience.

Their main objective is to attract new and returning customers (increased traffic) and drive profitable customer action.

An AI writer is a tool that employs artificial intelligence to create content for companies and brands.

Many brands see content creation as a very daunting task without AI help.

AI assistants come in handy in marketing by making it possible for marketers to handle and manipulate data, perform analysis, utilize automation, and generate content that meets the need of their audience — quickly and efficiently.

AI Writers You Should Know

Contrary to what many people believe in AI content writing, more than just AI writers are required.

Proofreading, fact-checking, and final editing are essential aspects that require human intervention.

Nevertheless, you can significantly increase your results and productivity with the right AI writer.

The following are AI tools you should explore:


ChatGPTis a powerful AI chatbot developed by OpenAI, which can produce a wide range of generated material. Its ability to remember prior inputs and discussions and use them to make material sets it apart from other AI writing programs.


  • Free
  • Easy to use interface
  • Generates human-like conversations with editable content
  • Fast content generation


  • Requires well-written prompts to produce good content
  • Prone to inaccuracies, especially in complex matters
  • Requires constant database update
  • Requires fact-checking due to its apparent outdated information is an AI writer tool developed by Paul Yacoubian. It works on GPT-3, the most advanced language prediction model.


  • The free plan of lets you generate 2k words/month and features 8 tones and 90+ use cases
  • It has good blogging and social media tools
  • With, you get access to 90+ AI tools and 40+ pre-made templates
  • Results often require little to no editing


  • Only English is supported on the free plan
  • Cannot display previously generated content
  • It may be slow and sluggish


Rytris a famous AI writer utilized for short-form content. It was introduced in April 2022 by Abhi Godara. It uses the latest language prediction model called GPT-3.


  • The free plan allows up to 10k characters per month
  • It offers 34 use cases in categories such as blogs, copywriting, e-commerce, and social media
  • Allows over 35 languages ​​and uses 22 different writing tones to modify content
  • Other unique features include the Magic Command Tool, Landing Page Generator, and Plagiarism Checker


  • Not suitable for long-form content such as long blog posts and articles
  • Lacks the Blog Intro tool( which is a vital AI tool for bloggers and content writers
  • Incomplete outputs, logical errors, and incoherent content may be observed


Writesonic was released by Samanyou Garg in 2020. It also uses GPT-3 to generate quality and engaging content in a short time frame.


  • Allows a free trial with a 2500-word limit
  • Friendly and easy-to-use interface
  • It has over 25 languages ​​and multiple tones
  • Offers over 70 use cases for generating blogs, ads, marketing copy, and eCommerce content
  • It is ideal for short-form content using social media tools, writing tools, ads, and marketing tools


  • It offers only a one-time free trial
  • It has limited tone settings, which only provide limited use cases such as stories, personal bios, and product descriptions.


Have you ever heard of niche AI ​​writers? Developed using OpenAI’s ChatGPT, the DocGPT is fashioned on healthcare-specific prose.

This online assistant allows doctors to test and weigh in on AI-powered product development.

With DocGPT, physicians can prepare referrals, certificates of medical necessity and prior authorization requests, a letter of a medical condition, and other admin tasks.


  • Very similar to ChatGPT
  • Free and easy to use
  • Allows users to enter custom requests


  • Requires accurate prompts
  • Requires regular database updates
  • Must be checked to ensure correct results

How Your Brand Can Benefit From AI Writers

For several reasons, small- and medium-scale businesses, marketers, and even giant corporations invest in AI writing tools.

Some intend to gradually replace their human content authors and editors, while others simply seek to speed up content production.

Though there are conflicting opinions about AI-generated content, the truth remains that there are several benefits to gain.

Create content more quickly

AI writing tools are an excellent way to quickly generate writings that can be published directly or used as a source of inspiration.

Also, AI writers can automate tasks, such as creating personalized content for each user or segmenting audiences.

This means marketers can get more done quickly, freeing up resources for other activities.

Produce grammatically correct sentences

Most AI writing tools form complete sentences, use appropriate punctuation marks, and employ consistent verb tenses to produce an almost error-free document.

Mimic the structure and data on top-performing sites

Before producing output, AI writing tools search through top-performing external sources.

They mimic the content and organization of high-ranking pages, giving your site a chance to rank highly in SERPs.

Suggests interesting content ideas for your target audience

AI writing tools can offer ideas for topics and questions your target audience would find intriguing.

They achieve this by creating content based on user preferences and interests.


Limitations of AI Writers

The demand for AI writers has increased over the years, with millions of websites now regularly publishing articles produced by AI.

However, before you switch to AI writers as well, there are limitations you should be aware of. They:

Do not evoke human emotions

The key to good writing is storytelling.

An AI writing tool may compile internet-related material to make coherent sentences.

Still, only a human writer can produce engaging and compelling articles that resonate with your audience.

May produce incoherent phrases

While AI writers can produce grammatically correct sentences, don’t anticipate well-structured drafts.

This is because AI cannot logically connect disparate pieces of information, it can only synthesize data and adhere to simple grammar rules.

A skilled writer must do the final rearrangement to avoid publishing a flawed piece.

May not follow Google’s SEO guidelines

Google does not consider AI-generated content to be “useful.”

This is because AI-generated articles use published or gathered data from competitors, providing no new insights.

The Google SEO guidelines must be followed whether you are writing articles manually or using AI to appear on SERPs.

May include incorrect, outdated, or plagiarized information

AI writing tools do not validate the information from third-party sources.

As a result, information from AI-generated works Frequently contains errors and is prone to plagiarism.

Do not match your brand’s voice and tone

AI writers may mimic writing styles and language, but they cannot match your brand’s persona.

Human intelligence is a must

Although you can produce AI-generated articles with relative ease and speed, you should think twice before replacing all your writers with AI writing tools.

This is because AI writers cannot produce new ideas and understand context, nuance, and the creative aspects of writing, which are essential to the craft.

To function optimally, AI writers need the intervention of human intelligence to create more appealing content to boost marketing.

If you want quality copies that accurately reflect your brand, follow Google SEO guidelines and evoke emotions in your audience, it is best to work with a skilled writer.

Connect With Skilled Writers

Contrary to what many people think, AI is not likely to replace human writers anytime soon.

WriterAccess can help you connect with a skilled writer to scale your content creation.

You can get a 14-day writer access trial to feel how it works. Click here to start

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