Google Ads Now Lets You Apply A Advice As An Experiment In The Experiments Web page

Google Ads announced that you can now apply a recommendation as an experiment in the Experiments page. This allows you to more efficiently “in as few as two clicks, you can set up an experiment where you compare your base campaign to a trial campaign which will have the recommendation applied,” Google said.

Google said this was done because many advertisers felt that it can be hard to understand the impact of applying a recommendation to your account.

Here is how you create an experiment based off of a recommendation in one click:

click for full size

Here is the setup process:

click for full size

Google recommends you monitor your results within the Google Ads Experiments page for 4-6 weeks. Once the experiment has concluded, you can apply the results by either converting your trial campaign into a new campaign or by transferring the learnings to your original campaign.

Here is the progress report for an active experiment, as well as an option to apply or end the experiment:

click for full size

Currently, this functionality is available for broad match and target return on advertising spend recommendations. Google said it will continue to roll out support for more recommendation types on the Experiments page in the coming months.

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