Ideas for guarding your psychological well being | Information

The pandemic and resulting economic downturn over the last two years have created an environment that makes people feel alone, even though most have returned to full engagement with the public. Both the fear of contracting illness and the rising price of necessities have caused people to stay at home more than connecting with friends and family.

Those already prone to depression or in recovery for addiction are at a higher risk to engage in risky behaviors or contemplate suicide under these conditions. Lack of personal interaction and physical touch compounds the effects, making challenging circumstances seem impossible. Limited access to mental health care and the stigma that surrounds seeking help make it more important than ever to be vigilant about maintaining mental well being.

Pandemic fatigue is the term being used to describe this mental health issue, which is affecting a staggering number of people. The World Health Organization defines this as a natural response to a prolonged public health crisis with unprecedented impacts on the everyday lives of everyone, including those who have not been directly affected by the virus itself. Their report also cites a demotivation to follow recommended protective behaviors.

Pre-Covid, 11% of the population reported symptoms of anxiety and depression. At the height of the pandemic, that number rose to 40%. In June of this year, mental health professionals estimate that 33% are still suffering. Other areas with increased demand include obsessive-compulsive and sleep-wake disorders, as well as substance abuse issues.

According to psychiatrist Jessica A. Gold, continued fatigue is a typical reaction to prolonged stress. In the world of psychology, General Adaptation Syndrome is described as the point beyond a body’s natural fight or flight tendency during a crisis. Guilt for not doing more or feeling normal is common and leads to further distress.

Frontline workers, mental health practitioners and parents have lived in survival mode for so long that there has not been enough time to address mental well-being. Unprocessed grief and trauma have led to extreme anxiety and depression in many adults, creating even more fatigue.

Over time, this translates into feelings of uncertainty about the future, trouble focusing, and unexplained anger over relatively small things.

In an article on the subject of post-pandemic fatigue, Dr. Asim Shah pinpoints the three dimensions of burnout: exhaustion, increased mental distance and feeling negative or cynical.

He recommends several ways to combat burnout and stress. Exercise and proper sleep, learning to express emotions and taking time to explore nature are at the top of Shah’s list. Maintaining a healthy diet, engagement in activities with others and doing things that bring joy are also on the list of directives.

Even though many are still trying to make up for lost time and connection with loved ones, setting boundaries and limiting social interaction to allow time for decompression and more rest can be very helpful. Limiting social media and network news can help decrease information overload and negative thinking. Reading books and other calming hobbies like drawing, painting, weaving and crocheting can help reduce stress and create a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Practicing gratitude is also widely prescribed to maintain a positive outlook.

Whenever a disappointment occurs, simply writing down one thing to be grateful for can help reroute the focus to the positive. Taking time to assess both physical and emotional feelings is part of the recommended arsenal to maintain a sense of wellbeing. Acting on hunger and the need for sleep and quiet time is a practice that should be cultivated rather than ignored.

Talking to friends or family members who offer good advice or bring a sense of calm is extremely important, especially for those who are prone to isolation. Checking in on a regular basis can help identify whether problems are mundane and have a practical solution or something that needs to be addressed through professional help.

The right music can also be highly therapeutic. According to the American Psychological Association, new studies have found that music can increase immune function and reduce stress levels. Singing, playing musical instruments and songwriting have become documented pathways for improving mental health and even reducing physical pain in patients with terminal illness and those who suffer from neurological disorders.

Classical music has been proven to lower blood pressure and increase serotonin levels, but primarily for those who actually enjoy the genre. Music that makes you feel good is what works. Certain frequencies, from Delta and Theta to Beta and Gamma can produce positive reactions in the body, ranging from deep relaxation to focus and clarity. Sound healing through the use of singing bowls, tuning forks or gongs can create vibrations that have a strong effect on the mind and body. The vibrations can help align the two to work better together.

Binaural beats is the combination of two different frequencies that the brain perceives as a single tone. As the brain adapts to the tone, a state of mind can be reached that promotes feelings of relaxation as well as creativity, concentration, and clarity. Because of its potentially profound effects, adults with heart issues or epilepsy are advised to use caution and consult their physician before using binaural beats as therapy.

To learn more about how music affects the body, the book “Vibrational Medicine” by Dr. Richard Gerber explains how musical frequencies can be used to balance physical and emotional energy in those who experience anxiety and depression. For those who are new to specific frequency music, search 432 Hz, 528 Hz and 852 Hz on Youtube or Spotify.

For those who prefer more directional advice , “Burnout and How to Complete the Stress Cycle” from Brenee Brown’s podcast “Unlocking Us” with Amelia and Emily Nagoski is a discussion on what causes burnout and how to move through emotional exhaustion. Find it at or on Spotify. For more podcasts on coping with mental health issues, find 16 Best Mental Health Podcasts at

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