This is the way you obtain an ROI together with your e-newsletter – Outbrain

A newsletter is a creation that reflects time, creation, editing, and planning. Each issue of the newsletter is therefore a separate product. When they’re ready to send, the meaningful words created into a contextual story go to readers’ inboxes.

The newsletter process begins with understanding and defining the benchmarks and goals of the newsletter. It is a critical component that directly affects your marketing and sales activities and ultimately the success of a newsletter. The good news is that of all the channels out there, email marketing is one of the most customizable and lucrative available.

When properly defined and managed, a newsletter can generate numerous clicks and views, leading to positive conversions. The only question is, how do you generate an ROI to ensure success?

Understand your goals

Determining and maximizing the efficiency of your newsletter campaign is hardly possible without setting goals. Everything you do should generate some return, your time is valued, and your time should be viewed as its own currency. How much would you value your time? Your time is what creates the newsletter. So let’s take a look at how and what to track to effectively calculate your ROI.

The basic calculation to get your ROI is as follows: ROI = (Income – Expenditure) / Expenditure

which is reflected in percent. A percentage and a math equation are both black and white, but reaching your goals is all the grayer that may take a few iterations to get there.

Here are some KPIS for newsletters to check out:

  • Deliverability:
    • Email delivery rate: the percentage of emails received by your subscribers’ gateway servers. If the problem has been pushed, where does it go: inbox, spam (soft bounce) or back (hard bounce).
    • Email opens: the number of people who open the topic.
    • Prices for email openings: The total number of e-mails opened, expressed as a percentage of the number of messages sent.
    • Number of subscribers
    • Number of unsubscriptions
  • Engagement:
    • Click through: a number representing the number of times a link was clicked (and opened).
    • Click rate: the number of clicks expressed as a percentage of the total number of subscribers who opened the email and clicked it at the same time.

Studies such as this benchmarking report, can be used to determine the average baselines for these and other metrics. This means you can more easily see where you should be and when you are falling short.

Understand your readers

Once you know why people chose to join your newsletter mailing list, you can use them to your advantage by focusing on that desire. This can mean offering a certain type of content, highlighting certain keywords, needs or principles, etc. If you don’t, give it a try and Draw a picture of your subscribers and go find it.

  • You probably already have it sent Your newsletter everywhere, but if not, this is it first step. Paste your newsletter link in your bio on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.
  • Who inspired you to create a newsletter? Contact you Cross-pollination. A great way to introduce yourself to similar readers.
  • When asking for feedback, it is not easy to reply to your email. So make it easier for yourself. Bill Murphy is understandable has a one-click star rating system that he set up for feedback.

Most likely, you are writing what you know. A good place to start is to think: “How do I find a newsletter like mine?” Channel your own inner reader and find out what you can do to move on Engage your readers to increase ROI.


A big part of the process is becoming familiar with the measurements that you should focus on as part of your assessment process. For example, here is a study That speaks to a wide variety of metrics that can be used in your review process. But it also reveals the parameters geared towards understanding the relevance and effectiveness of your emails. Capturing these percentages will help identify the scope of the reader and keep coming back.

If you’re just starting out, check out what Day and time Your industry or topic will be read and adjusted to their preferences. formatting is also a big factor when it comes to open rates and click rates.

Here are some ideas, supported by statistics:

  • Add a video: Vimeos statistics 40% open rate (Youtubes OR is 29%)
  • Limit your subject line to ~ 90-140 Sign: 24% open rate.
  • Use emojis in your subject line (if it fits your brand): 25% higher open rates compared to no emojis.
  • Create a preheader: This allows your readers to get a one-liner which your newsletter issue will cover, 28% increase in open rates

Understanding all of the above statistics and data will help you benchmark your ROI and KPIs.


This aspect of the process deals with the consumption of the content in your newsletter. Sending your email is a good place to start. However, the hassle of creating your newsletter would be completed with distribution – it’s like baking cookies for a cake sale and not telling anyone there is a cake sale. It will be less successful if your target audience doesn’t even bother to look.

The most valuable chip you have is your credibility, which speaks volumes. The content you curate is language-focused, contextual, and passionate about the topics you are speaking about.

You should get this level of inspiration, but it is only possible if you distribute your newsletter correctly. There are tools such as listwho will support you in creating your newsletter. In this way, you can then use content discovery to reach a higher number of readers.

Addressing the direct interests of potential readers is one of the secrets to success. People want to know, but they also want to save time by not having to comb through endless streams of data. The curation process facilitates their knowledge needs by following readings from influencers or experts on the topics that interest them, as easy as a click of a button.


After reading some of the above materials, decide which metrics you might want to track. Here is a template Spreadsheet to get you started.

To get a reasonable return on investment from your newsletter, you need to understand the metrics and processes and how they are relevant to your content. All of this provides a retrospective marker of your performance and efforts over a period of time.

Your success depends heavily on how your subscribers interact with your newsletters and the curated content you share, and how you present your campaigns to them.

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